Celtic Wheel Series ~ Bealtaine to Summer Solstice

A weekly live 75 minute practice ( Somatic movement, Yin & Restorative shapes, ending with Nidra, yogic sleep) over Zoom.

This 6 part series of explores the seasons, rituals & wisdom of the Celtic Wheel from Bealtaine to Summer Solstice.

Bealtaine on the Celtic calendar marks the start of summer, when we move into the light half of the year. This invites us to work with the solar yang energy and move outwards with our intentions and take action to manifest our intentions. As we move closer to Summer Solstice the sun energy is reaching its peak and we're invited to celebrate the blossoming of seeds of intention that we planted in Winter and Spring.

This series of explores the seasons, rituals & wisdom of nature and offers an opportunity to connect deeply with ourselves.

This practice is Trauma-Informed and accessible.

When: Mondays (Zoom) 8.00pm - 9.15pm GMT (I recommend attending these classes live. A recording will also be sent and available for 1 week after class)
Dates: Mon 13th May ‘24 ~ Mon 17th June ‘24.


£60~ Comfortably waged / Financially at ease

£48 ~ Waged

£36 ~ Unwaged / Underemployed / on low incomes / with caring responsibilites

I’m happy to receive the Euro equivalent - you can check the exchange rate here.

*If finance is an access barrier please email me maggie@maggiemckeeveryoga.com and we’ll work something out.

Scholarships: I have 2 scholarship places for Palestine Activists.

Email me either on behalf of yourself or for someone else. maggie@maggiemckeeveryoga.com

Location: Zoom

Booking: Booking via Paypal via button below. Please be sure to select 'friends or family' and *NOT* goods and services when selecting for payment as PayPal will take a fee. If you would prefer to pay as goods and services let me know. There will be an additional fee for this service.

A 6 week journey through the Celtic Wheel from Bealtaine to Summer Solstice.

More about the practices…

Yin Yoga is slow moving passive style of yoga where the shapes are held for longer, 3-10 minutes to stimulate the connective tissue which can increase circulation, release tension, energy & emotions held in the body.

Restorative Yoga is about finding as much support and comfort in a shape as possible, often using props to enable a deeply restful state. 

Somatics are subtle body based practices to soothe and restore the nervous system.

Yoga Nidra is a guided rest practice which brings the body and brain into a deep state of meditation, rest and healing. This is a beautiful practice for calming the nervous system and for a great sleep - feel free to wear your PJs so you can roll into bed at the end!

What to bring: a mat / towel, blankets, bolsters / cushions, blocks / books, cushions / pillows, eye pillow / scarf and anything else you’d like to be comfy & cosy.